Your Core Values at Work

Core values are a lifeline and a game changer. Now that I have mine defined, I don’t know how I lived without them! Here’s my story on how they work. About nine months ago, I was faced with a professional dilemma. At the time, I hated the professional situation I was in. My values were compromised, I didn’t know who […]

A Guide for Daily Restoration

Sometimes you need to be intentional about taking the time to fill your bucket. I’ve gotten to the point at times where I mentally do not feel well, have a hard time focusing and everything is just piling up. These are the perfect moments to dedicate time for self-restoration, to recenter and get grounded again. These practices are all about […]

A Weekend Guide to Restoration

I’m a firm believer in needing to take deliberate time to restore your spirit, strength, perspective and faith. It’s too easy to veer in different directions, which may not inherently be wrong or bad, but every now and then we need to look up and check in on the alignment of our core with our North star. About twice a […]

Championship Teams

March is heavy on sporting events and with all the competitiveness in the air, it got me thinking about teamwork. Whether it be hockey, basketball, baseball or even racing (which I don’t particularly enjoy), I noticed several similarities that exist with winning teams. With further intrigue, I watched some events purposefully to observe actions and behaviors (no stakes on the […]

Emotional Spring Cleaning

Spring is here which means spring cleaning is here! While you spring clean your house, spring clean your mind too! It’s the time of year for new beginnings, fresh starts, and adding color back in to the world. Go for a walk outside. Soak in the breeze and the sun and be thankful winter has passed. Let the sun shine […]

The Pit of Shit

I call it the Pit of Shit. The negative, low, dark, depressing, confusing, hazy space we all experience at some point between coming off a mountain top (thriving) and resurfacing from the water (surviving).  The place where we feel like a shell of the person we used to be, where we now question who we are and the meaning of […]

Believe in More

I have worked really hard over the past few weeks. Hardly thought about anything else, focused on one goal, well over 40 hours a week, hard. Friday was a goal met and while in theory no one “wants” to work more than they have to or “wants” to put in extra effort, there’s something meaningful in doing just that.  I […]

Find Gratitude and Grounding

At the end of any day, your brain is probably still racing. We worry about all we didn’t get done today, what needs to get done tomorrow, later this week, or even next month. The shame spiral may even begin to swirl until you’re paralyzed and don’t know what to do next. Use the structure below to release that energy […]

A Team of Leaders

We are a team of leaders We commit to a shared vision We think about the team as a whole rather than our own individual success We win as a team and lose as a team We support each other, celebrate each other’s successes, and learn from failures We respect each other’s unique strengths and use them to be a […]