Your Core Values at Work

Core values are a lifeline and a game changer. Now that I have mine defined, I don’t know how I lived without them! Here’s my story on how they work.

About nine months ago, I was faced with a professional dilemma. At the time, I hated the professional situation I was in. My values were compromised, I didn’t know who to trust, I questioned my decisions and was drowning in negativity, toxicity and just…crap. I was beyond anxious, having a hard time eating and sleeping and felt miserable. I think I counted 12 days in a row of tears. Walking out was definitely on my mind. I’m not a risk taker, but was seriously considering walking out of the building before I had any other income lined up. That’s how bad.

Then, long story short, I was offered an incredible position: a similar role with higher pay, better benefits, stronger culture and a supportive environment similar to the one I had at the strongest point of my career. It was a mix of my previous environment, which I thrived in, and my current responsibilities, which fulfilled me. On paper, it was a no-brainer. My first six figure job? You bet!

As easy as I thought it would be, I struggled for days with making a decision. All I wanted was a way out of my current situation, why was this so hard? I think that question boggled my mind even more than deciding to accept the job offer or not.

Through more tears, a good old-fashioned pros/cons list, and really testing myself at my core, I finally committed to a decision I, deep down, knew I had already made.

As miserable as my situation was, I turned down my ticket out. Why? Because one of my core values is perspective and none of my core values are money. I already knew what was really important to me in a job. What I truly wanted, I already had. I just lost sight of it and ended up on the wrong emotional path. Without my God-given core values to lead me, I easily could have given up and made the wrong decision.

Nine months later, I am happy to report that while things aren’t perfect (because nothing is), I know I made the right decision – 100%. Since then, I received a promotion and now lead a team of six. More importantly, I love the work I do and am re-inspired every day by the opportunities that present themselves when you’re looking in the right direction.

There are two lessons here:
1. The situation around me hadn’t changed but my perspective did. Focus on what you can control.
2. There is a lot of crap that comes with learning how to be resilient but there IS something for you on the other side of giving up.