Find Gratitude and Grounding
At the end of any day, your brain is probably still racing. We worry about all we didn’t get done today, what needs to get done tomorrow, later this week, or even next month. The shame spiral may even begin to swirl until you’re paralyzed and don’t know what to do next. Use the structure below to release that energy and re-focus through gratitude and grounding.
Find quiet, uninterrupted space. Set time for 10, 15, or 20 minutes and open your heart, soul and mind. Just be. There is no judgment in this space.
Write about your thoughts and feelings. This is simply an acknowledgement of what’s occurring for you in the moment. End your journaling by answering the following questions:
- What are you grateful for?
- How did you make yourself proud today?
- What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
- Where was God present?
Do something meaningful:
Tackle 1 thing on your to do list, or read something inspiring or motivating before you go to sleep. Falling asleep feeling accomplished or with positive thoughts sets you up for a stronger day tomorrow.
Identify tomorrow’s focus:
Create your to-focus-on list for tomorrow. Allow yourself to stick to this list and prepare yourself for how to respond to your monkey brain.
Pray (if this is your thing):
This can be as simple or as deep as you want it to be. Here is a simple prayer to get you started.
Dear God,
Thank you for __________________________ today. Please give me strength and courage to tackle __________________________________ tomorrow.
Go to bed with a calm mind and ready to wake up refreshed.