Set Your Intentions

Need to reset your brain? Of course you do – we all do. Sometimes it’s all too easy to end up in a spiral of negativity or unproductive thinking. When that happens, we need to reset our intentions. We need to identify the one intention most relevant to us in the moment to use as an escape. Every time those unproductive thoughts start creeping in, immediately switch to your intention.

The best time to set your intention is in the morning, when the day is fresh and full of opportunity. But, intentions can be set (or reset) at any point in time. Use the structure below to build your new habit of intention setting and stay on track.

Find quiet, uninterrupted space. Set time for 5, 10, or even 15 minutes and open your heart, soul, and mind. Just be. There is no judgment in this space.

Write about your thoughts and feelings. This is simply an acknowledgement of what’s occurring for you in the moment, what you may be worried or anxious about, or maybe what you’re excited about.

Set Intention:
Search for something inspiring or motivating whether it be quotes, Bible verses, or your own positive thoughts. Focus on what resonates with you right now. Choose only one intention you will revert back to if negativity starts creeping in at any point during the day. Some examples to get you started:

  • Maybe this season is meant to prepare you for the season that is just around the corner
  • A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd
  • Respond to every call that excites your spirit
  • It all begins and ends in your mind
  • I’m grateful for today
  • This too shall pass
  • If you don’t fit in, you’re probably doing the right thing
  • Yes, my soul finds rest in God; my hope comes from Him

Take 2 minutes to sit quietly, close your eyes and think about your intention, breathing slowly and deeply. Put your intention somewhere easily accessible to refer to it as often as you need.

Pray (if it’s your thing):
This can be as simple or as deep as you want it to be. Here is a simple prayer to get you started.

Dear God,

Right now, I am feeling _____________________________________________. Please help me to focus on _____________________________________ (intention).


Keep your intention on the forefront. Refer to it as often as you need. Pray as often as you need.